Web2.0盛行的年代,随着web标准的概念的深入人心,导航的设计也随之发生变化,各种色彩明快,设计简洁的导航进入我们的视线。 1. Change.org 2. N.Design Studio | Design & Blog 3. Good Creative - Web and Graphic Design 4. MacRabbit - Welcome 5. Joyent: Introducing Joyent
6. CSS Vault » The Web’s CSS Site 7. notiam.com
8. Jamie Huskisson: Full time UK PHP freelance developer
9. Web design, development and consultancy from Ottawa, Canada - Snook.ca 10. BREAKER DESIGN
11. Jen Gordon
12. Tulumarka
13. Ars Technica 14. CSS Beauty | CSS Design, News, Jobs, Community, Web Standards  |