Though tiresome to many, fire is one of the elements of nature, and flames aren't going away soon. Want to confirm this? Turn on your TV and count the number of custom biker/motor/auto/monster/pimp-my-ride-shows spread across networks as diverse as Discovery, MTV and ESPN. Customization has become an industry, and good pin-strippers sign autographs. These guys can tell us there are traditional flames, fast flames, California flames, tribal flames and more. We still associate flames with heat, speed and vanilla rebellion, and as long as there are fast bad-boy clients, designers will be painting their licks.
wicker balls  |  | A & Company, Total | Carbone Smolan Agency, Assurant |  |  | Landor and Associates, Pepsico | Fernandez Design, MetaDot |
Globes continue to be a popular solution to represent the international affairs of a corporation, though I typically wince at a globe solution when it's the only tale a company has to tell. These solutions, on the other hand, can take on a degree of elegance and often represent the strength and complexity of the organization bonded by the woven layers. The French A & Company, for example, was masterful at combining the flagship colors of Total, Fina and Elf to help represent the merger of these three European petroleum giants. [page_break] weaves  |  | Lippincott Mercer, The Bank of New York | Marcus Lee Design, Secura Speed |  |  | Cato Purnell Partners, Hamburg Airport | Crosby Associates, Lutheran General Health System | |